I Just Need Her In My Life.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Last Day Of School 11.11.11
huhuhu, last day of school bhaai! =.=' nanti dah naik form2 alaaa haai! banyak kenangan yg tinggal nnti :'). pada 11.11.2011 harituh hari jumaat,ada apatah dekat sekolah,macam2 aktiviti adaa karoke,pingpong,bola sepak n more~ hehe kite main bola jee, penat gile bhaaai! syaqil bapak laaa dye sepaaak, dari tgh goal bhaaai! hahaha, k pukol 12 camtu sume balik,kite tak balik pun adooy, melepak duluuu, then dyeorang cakap ada gaduh la pulaaak, malas la kite naak layan, baik blah terus jee =.='. time tuh akmal, syaqil n kite kat anjung selera lepak2 minuum saaat~ lepas tuh akmal pun membalikkan dirinyaaaa. tinggal la kite ngn syaqil. syaqil time tuh dye kata nak stayback rumah kite last2 hampuuiih! =.= tak datang langsuung! pfffttt. then kite balik laa sorang2. tibe2 ada orang bagi salam! rupa-rupanya si haikal a.k.a bob. masuk laaa, dye tumpang mandi laah apa laaah. lepas tuh chubby n epul dataang. dah la time tuh kelam kabut nak g solaat! sampai2 je kat masjid sume dah balik! WTF! tak solaaat akuuu! =.=. lepas orang kat masjid tuh kelua kiteorang g la tf time tu kite ngn chubby je jalan kaki fuuh! penat bhaaai =.=. then lepak kat tf yumyumyum~ sedapnyeee! hahaha.lepas makan tuh peergi taman futsal lepak laaa. syaqil n eysha buat sesi kaunseling pulaak dye 2 orang jee. bukan nak share kate sharing is caring =.=.k then pergi sekola menengah like pukul 4:30 kut. lepak la dalam tuh main gitar, then ada sorang mak guard bodoh lagi hodoh ni sound kiteorang, dye suruh kteorang keluar. kfine kiteorang keluaar. hmmppphh habis mak guard tuhh kene kutuk ngn kkiteorang. hahah. xD then kiteorang g busstop duduk sana nak tunggu nekwa ambil dyeorang. hah?! ada laa sorang bibik smk tuh jalan menuju kat kiteorang. tengah dye jalan-jalan, SUPPTT!! bibik tu pegang bontot chubby! kahkahkah!! sumpah lawak duuh! xD. then pukul 6:40.nekwaa sampaai. then dyeorang balik sebelum balik. kami bersalaman (cara kami ;) ) awww gonna miss that time :') klah bye2 love you all :* sincerely -ilyaas-
Thursday, March 3, 2011
peeerrggghgghhhh..da lme x siot x on9...sume tau en saye ni ade penyakit M iaitu MALAS...XD..KK.cite dye camni..mama n papa aq g umrah soo kene la dok sini n aq x ley g skola..yg bes nye ialah x dpt tgk mke cikgu 2 minggu...xD,,hahah..tpi yg x besnye x dpt jmpe kwan2,,,:'(..rindu tau..time sampai sini kol 12 mlm oot lme 2uh,,
lpas sampai ape agy krooh kreeh krooh kreeh la jwap nyee,,,XD...duduk sane peerrrggghhh aq pikir bes tgk2 bapak r boring la gak...da la kene mndikn budak,bgi dyeorg mkn,tidurkn dyeorg then bwak dyorg..tpi x pe aq x kesah coz besa nnti lgi ssh dugaanye...ceh mcm najib la plak..hahah..LOL..petng2 2uh kua la bwak dyeorg jenjaln tpi aq bia en dyerg maen kat tman aq plak ape lagy wat muke bersih n ckp ngn org2 kedah "nak maen bola boley x?" (time 2uh x pandai lgi ckp kedah,,XD)...hmmmpphhhh ape lgi ek.???..haaa!!!..ape keje2 aq kat sini..pagi2 bngun kol lebeyh..awal en..slalu bgun kol 10 like tht..hahah...pas mndi tgk tv smbil mengonline kan diri...then mkan..lps mkn basuh pinggan lap meja n sume...(mcm bibik pon ade..XD)...kol4 tgk tv n chat ngn abg ZUUUUUUL..:D...ptg plak kua bwak cuzen2ku kua ntuk bermain aq maen bola dye plak maen taman...sape kate budak kedah jhat dye baek awww....slalu lepak ngn dye org sumee..hahah..pukol 6:50 time balik ape agy kacauu la sepupuku yg kecik 2uh...lari tinggal kn dyerg then dyeorg ape agy nangis laaa...hahaha gelak tahap gabn aq..hahahah...pas2uh dye ckp"abg xnk kwan abg ilyaas"then aq ckp "alalalal abg ilyaas maen2 je"..hahah..pukol 7 mndikan dye ya ALLAH! susah btul nk mndikan dyeorg...lari sane lari sini jerit sane jerit sini then aq jerit"abg jgnlah jerit aq lempang kau kang !!" muahahahah dye tros snyp jht tol aq ...mlm plak webcam ngn sesape jerr,,n I LIKEEEE!!!..orang kedah bes ape sape kate x bes .??..aq suke sakat dyeorg n ari 2uh kite org tgk cite hntu kak limah...mlm2 kacau dieorg muaahahahahahah....hantu kak limah kat blakng abg dyeorg pon ape lgy lari lintng pukang!!!,,nangiss dyeorg,,,haha sampai sini jee..bubye!!!!..aq sayang org yg bce nih....XD..
lpas sampai ape agy krooh kreeh krooh kreeh la jwap nyee,,,XD...duduk sane peerrrggghhh aq pikir bes tgk2 bapak r boring la gak...da la kene mndikn budak,bgi dyeorg mkn,tidurkn dyeorg then bwak dyorg..tpi x pe aq x kesah coz besa nnti lgi ssh dugaanye...ceh mcm najib la plak..hahah..LOL..petng2 2uh kua la bwak dyeorg jenjaln tpi aq bia en dyerg maen kat tman aq plak ape lagy wat muke bersih n ckp ngn org2 kedah "nak maen bola boley x?" (time 2uh x pandai lgi ckp kedah,,XD)...hmmmpphhhh ape lgi ek.???..haaa!!!..ape keje2 aq kat sini..pagi2 bngun kol lebeyh..awal en..slalu bgun kol 10 like tht..hahah...pas mndi tgk tv smbil mengonline kan diri...then mkan..lps mkn basuh pinggan lap meja n sume...(mcm bibik pon ade..XD)...kol4 tgk tv n chat ngn abg ZUUUUUUL..:D...ptg plak kua bwak cuzen2ku kua ntuk bermain aq maen bola dye plak maen taman...sape kate budak kedah jhat dye baek awww....slalu lepak ngn dye org sumee..hahah..pukol 6:50 time balik ape agy kacauu la sepupuku yg kecik 2uh...lari tinggal kn dyerg then dyeorg ape agy nangis laaa...hahaha gelak tahap gabn aq..hahahah...pas2uh dye ckp"abg xnk kwan abg ilyaas"then aq ckp "alalalal abg ilyaas maen2 je"..hahah..pukol 7 mndikan dye ya ALLAH! susah btul nk mndikan dyeorg...lari sane lari sini jerit sane jerit sini then aq jerit"abg jgnlah jerit aq lempang kau kang !!" muahahahah dye tros snyp jht tol aq ...mlm plak webcam ngn sesape jerr,,n I LIKEEEE!!!..orang kedah bes ape sape kate x bes .??..aq suke sakat dyeorg n ari 2uh kite org tgk cite hntu kak limah...mlm2 kacau dieorg muaahahahahahah....hantu kak limah kat blakng abg dyeorg pon ape lgy lari lintng pukang!!!,,nangiss dyeorg,,,haha sampai sini jee..bubye!!!!..aq sayang org yg bce nih....XD..
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pada suatu hari Amin n Hafiz sedang berborak-borak.dyeorg tgh berbincang satu hal *penting*
tibe2 Din dtg...
Din:woi,Ali aq ade stu teka-teki nie...
Amin:hafiz mlm nie kite tgk bulan jom..
hafiiz:boleh gak,tpi aq x penah tgk bulan dekat2...
amin:ko x penah tgk bulan dengn dekat.???
hafiz:tapi kau nk tgk camne.? bulaa bukan dekat..ha!! aq taw ko gne teleskop kn??
amin:takla,kite gne cermin mate jew.oklah mlm nie dtg umah aq...
hafiz:baeklah mlm nie aq dtg pakai cermin mata....
amin:jemputla masok..
hafiz:thankzzzzz.... tapi ko kate nk lihat bula mne dye.???
amin:nie bulan dlam kalender.skng jan bulan november bulan depann disember kan.???
tibe2 Din dtg...
Din:woi,Ali aq ade stu teka-teki nie...
Amin:hafiz mlm nie kite tgk bulan jom..
hafiiz:boleh gak,tpi aq x penah tgk bulan dekat2...
amin:ko x penah tgk bulan dengn dekat.???
hafiz:tapi kau nk tgk camne.? bulaa bukan dekat..ha!! aq taw ko gne teleskop kn??
amin:takla,kite gne cermin mate jew.oklah mlm nie dtg umah aq...
hafiz:baeklah mlm nie aq dtg pakai cermin mata....
amin:jemputla masok..
hafiz:thankzzzzz.... tapi ko kate nk lihat bula mne dye.???
amin:nie bulan dlam kalender.skng jan bulan november bulan depann disember kan.???
Sunday, November 28, 2010
HuHhuhHhuHUH,,,MISS mY FweNz ;'(
weyh korg aq rindu dowh kat korang....huhuhuhu...
syukri/ayie:syuk aq rindu gilew kat ko n aq tau aq yg mengaja ko jdi blue.hehe,,sbnrnye aq syg glew kat ko ko da mcm adek aq.....aq syg kau harap2 kite akan jadi besfrenz 4 eva..
akmal/mot:hahahah..aq ingt lgi bile kite kat baiduri kecoh 1 klass aq n ko nyanyi..huhuhu..n n ko tiru aq time pikse hahahah..dapat A tros pemaham..XD...aq syg kao
mustaqim:hahahah,,bes en time lepak cc tgk blue xde keje...hahah..n syg kau..
amirol:hahahah..bes glew time salam ngn ko..cam bdowh jew..
amar:bes gilew dpat kwn cam ko...n syg ko...hahah
hassan:time pling bes ngn kau yg kite kat camp xde keje...ko jdi penghulu aq lak jdi penolong penghulu...:')
acap:acap!!!!haha..ingt x kite tusyen ngn cikgu maimunah..gile lme la sialll boring glew math last upsr math C...(Y)..
amer:aq knl ko time dajah 3 lgi ingt x time tuuh kite lepak ngn najib syikin n sume ...hahah..huru hara kelas tuuh jdi nyanyi sane nyanyi sini...hahah..n syg ko//
najib:najib aq tau ko kat sarawak..aq rindu gilew sial koooooo...uhuhuh..\
aqim:ko kapten bola yg sngt baek ngn kiteorg,,,walaopon ade gado skit,tpi perangai still cam buak kecik...n syg ko..
iwan:haha,!!ingt lgi x time kite kene lempang n kene mara ngn cikgu afiq..hehe..muke x besala je sumeee..haha :')
melewa:hahah..x bnyk kenangn manis ngn ko..syg ko..
naqi:hahahah,,,slalu lepak..n syg ko..
haziq:ingt time daja lime hahah,,,ko slalu nangis xde keje..hahah
mukh:okie2 time akhir skola tuuh ingt x.??aq tgh syok2 maen psp ko tetibe cikgu dtg rampas muke ko cam spender basah dowh nak nangis,,hahaha..tpi ko still noob
shukryn:akhir taun tuuhh aq gado ngn ko then ko nangis..n syg gilew kat kooooo!!!!
imran abdullah:hahahah aq slalu wat ko jelez..XD n ingt x time tuuh kite cite psal aweks2..hoho...n syg ko..
afiq:ko slalu wat aq sakit ati...tpi aq still kwanko....hahah....
adha:ingt x ko slalu ckp yg kite kapel....haha..n syg kat ko.,,
nurman:ko la keeper yg pling aq tabik...n ingt x kite kene kan org...ahahahhaha
hajid:hoho...jual lgi bnyk haiwan....n syg ko..
hambali:weyh ingt x time tuh kite cite psal blue bes gile....
nabil:wahahah.bajet sa mentang2 pro..XD..n aq rindu ko dowh..
alfatih:ko la kwan aq yg pling kuat mengejek atuk aq n ko tau x aq syg gile2 kat ko..
nasihah:ko awesome gile dowh..tah camne aq bley knl ko..hahahh..
aliah:woaw ko ngadu sume bende kat aq...hahahahah..n syg ko...
nesa:weyh ko jgn mara aq ek..syg ko..
hamymie:hahahha..dajah lime ko gile jht tpi dajah enam baek la siakk..n n syg ko...
iman nur hadhirah:hahahah..ingt lgi time tuuh ko tgk aq bwak moto tenganga kau..
iman:ko baek gilew ngn aq tanks weyh n syg ko...
ernis:hahahah,,,sian syukri x dpt curi ati ko..arap dpt aa..n n syg ko..
auni:gile r ko asl nmpak aq je terajng sne terajng sini naseb baek ko x terajng kat tgh2 XD klau x wuuiisshh hospital la jwpnye...tpiaq still anggap ko kwan..
syafira:hahahah..syg ko..
wan:wan ko ingt lgi x time tuuh yg ko pgg telo aq then aq pgg tuut ko,,sakit sial..XD..n syg kao..
isma:yeah girl..slalu lepak ngn ko awesome..haha!! syg ko..
mary::hahahah..xde bende nakckp..n syg kao..
asilah:k,syg ko gak..
yuhannis:yeah semenjak ko kapel ngn am ko tros tego aq...mentang2 aq kwan baek dye...haha..n syg kao..
yasmin:walaupon kite kapel kjp je tpi kite still kwan kan..n syg ko..
nurul iman:ko baek gile ngn aq...ko slalu hye kat aq n syg kat kao..
afiqah:hahahah...ko agak baek ngn aq n syg ko..
syafira/supi:ingt x time aq kapel ngn mimi...ko tego n lme glew kite chat...n syg kao XD..
ayu:hahah..ingt x time kite lepak kat tangga...bes gile oot..
put3:my adek angkat yg tebaek..hahahah..slalu chat tpi chat pon skjp je..ckp hye ..wat pe da mkn ke blom then k..tuh je,,hahah..n sayang ko....
alisha:tah camne aq knl ko...tpi still kwan k...
melissa:harap ko ngn syuk akan lme XD n syg kao..
n lastly ANIS SYAMIMI..saye sayg awak..sye arap awak akan bagia ngn dye.tpi ingt sye still syg kat awak..lgipon bkn nye kite yg putuskn tpi da tepakse ape bley wat kan...n i want to say to u..
I <3 U ANIS SYAMIMI!!!!!!.,,,
k tuuh jew..bye luv u all..n yg xde nme tuuh sori ekk x ingt..XD..tpi aq still syg korg...
syukri/ayie:syuk aq rindu gilew kat ko n aq tau aq yg mengaja ko jdi blue.hehe,,sbnrnye aq syg glew kat ko ko da mcm adek aq.....aq syg kau harap2 kite akan jadi besfrenz 4 eva..
akmal/mot:hahahah..aq ingt lgi bile kite kat baiduri kecoh 1 klass aq n ko nyanyi..huhuhu..n n ko tiru aq time pikse hahahah..dapat A tros pemaham..XD...aq syg kao
mustaqim:hahahah,,bes en time lepak cc tgk blue xde keje...hahah..n syg kau..
amirol:hahahah..bes glew time salam ngn ko..cam bdowh jew..
amar:bes gilew dpat kwn cam ko...n syg ko...hahah
hassan:time pling bes ngn kau yg kite kat camp xde keje...ko jdi penghulu aq lak jdi penolong penghulu...:')
acap:acap!!!!haha..ingt x kite tusyen ngn cikgu maimunah..gile lme la sialll boring glew math last upsr math C...(Y)..
amer:aq knl ko time dajah 3 lgi ingt x time tuuh kite lepak ngn najib syikin n sume ...hahah..huru hara kelas tuuh jdi nyanyi sane nyanyi sini...hahah..n syg ko//
najib:najib aq tau ko kat sarawak..aq rindu gilew sial koooooo...uhuhuh..\
aqim:ko kapten bola yg sngt baek ngn kiteorg,,,walaopon ade gado skit,tpi perangai still cam buak kecik...n syg ko..
iwan:haha,!!ingt lgi x time kite kene lempang n kene mara ngn cikgu afiq..hehe..muke x besala je sumeee..haha :')
melewa:hahah..x bnyk kenangn manis ngn ko..syg ko..
naqi:hahahah,,,slalu lepak..n syg ko..
haziq:ingt time daja lime hahah,,,ko slalu nangis xde keje..hahah
mukh:okie2 time akhir skola tuuh ingt x.??aq tgh syok2 maen psp ko tetibe cikgu dtg rampas muke ko cam spender basah dowh nak nangis,,hahaha..tpi ko still noob
shukryn:akhir taun tuuhh aq gado ngn ko then ko nangis..n syg gilew kat kooooo!!!!
imran abdullah:hahahah aq slalu wat ko jelez..XD n ingt x time tuuh kite cite psal aweks2..hoho...n syg ko..
afiq:ko slalu wat aq sakit ati...tpi aq still kwanko....hahah....
adha:ingt x ko slalu ckp yg kite kapel....haha..n syg kat ko.,,
nurman:ko la keeper yg pling aq tabik...n ingt x kite kene kan org...ahahahhaha
hajid:hoho...jual lgi bnyk haiwan....n syg ko..
hambali:weyh ingt x time tuh kite cite psal blue bes gile....
nabil:wahahah.bajet sa mentang2 pro..XD..n aq rindu ko dowh..
alfatih:ko la kwan aq yg pling kuat mengejek atuk aq n ko tau x aq syg gile2 kat ko..
nasihah:ko awesome gile dowh..tah camne aq bley knl ko..hahahh..
aliah:woaw ko ngadu sume bende kat aq...hahahahah..n syg ko...
nesa:weyh ko jgn mara aq ek..syg ko..
hamymie:hahahha..dajah lime ko gile jht tpi dajah enam baek la siakk..n n syg ko...
iman nur hadhirah:hahahah..ingt lgi time tuuh ko tgk aq bwak moto tenganga kau..
iman:ko baek gilew ngn aq tanks weyh n syg ko...
ernis:hahahah,,,sian syukri x dpt curi ati ko..arap dpt aa..n n syg ko..
auni:gile r ko asl nmpak aq je terajng sne terajng sini naseb baek ko x terajng kat tgh2 XD klau x wuuiisshh hospital la jwpnye...tpiaq still anggap ko kwan..
syafira:hahahah..syg ko..
wan:wan ko ingt lgi x time tuuh yg ko pgg telo aq then aq pgg tuut ko,,sakit sial..XD..n syg kao..
isma:yeah girl..slalu lepak ngn ko awesome..haha!! syg ko..
mary::hahahah..xde bende nakckp..n syg kao..
asilah:k,syg ko gak..
yuhannis:yeah semenjak ko kapel ngn am ko tros tego aq...mentang2 aq kwan baek dye...haha..n syg kao..
yasmin:walaupon kite kapel kjp je tpi kite still kwan kan..n syg ko..
nurul iman:ko baek gile ngn aq...ko slalu hye kat aq n syg kat kao..
afiqah:hahahah...ko agak baek ngn aq n syg ko..
syafira/supi:ingt x time aq kapel ngn mimi...ko tego n lme glew kite chat...n syg kao XD..
ayu:hahah..ingt x time kite lepak kat tangga...bes gile oot..
put3:my adek angkat yg tebaek..hahahah..slalu chat tpi chat pon skjp je..ckp hye ..wat pe da mkn ke blom then k..tuh je,,hahah..n sayang ko....
alisha:tah camne aq knl ko...tpi still kwan k...
melissa:harap ko ngn syuk akan lme XD n syg kao..
n lastly ANIS SYAMIMI..saye sayg awak..sye arap awak akan bagia ngn dye.tpi ingt sye still syg kat awak..lgipon bkn nye kite yg putuskn tpi da tepakse ape bley wat kan...n i want to say to u..
I <3 U ANIS SYAMIMI!!!!!!.,,,
k tuuh jew..bye luv u all..n yg xde nme tuuh sori ekk x ingt..XD..tpi aq still syg korg...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I don't LOVE U...
well when u go...
so never think i'll make u try to stay..
n maybe when u get back ill be off to find another way..
n after all this time u still owe..
your still good 4 nothing i don't know..
so take your glove get out..
better get out while u can..
when u go.would u even turn to say...
sometimes i cry so hard from pleading....
so sick n tired of all de needles beating..
but baby when they knock u down n out..
is where u outta stay,,,
and after all de blood that u still owe..
another dollar's juz another blow..
so fiz your eyes n get up...
better get up..
whille u can..
whoa whoa..
when u goo,
would u even to turn to say..
oh come on,
come on
when u gone..
would u have the guts to say,,
so never think i'll make u try to stay..
n maybe when u get back ill be off to find another way..
n after all this time u still owe..
your still good 4 nothing i don't know..
so take your glove get out..
better get out while u can..
when u go.would u even turn to say...
sometimes i cry so hard from pleading....
so sick n tired of all de needles beating..
but baby when they knock u down n out..
is where u outta stay,,,
and after all de blood that u still owe..
another dollar's juz another blow..
so fiz your eyes n get up...
better get up..
whille u can..
whoa whoa..
when u goo,
would u even to turn to say..
oh come on,
come on
when u gone..
would u have the guts to say,,
I MiSs yOu vERy mUcH..:'(
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
Ohh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
You're impossible to find.....
I <3 U 4 EVA.... : ' (
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
Ohh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you's impossible to find
You're impossible to find.....
I <3 U 4 EVA.... : ' (
pada 24.11.10 aq g lepak ngn kawan2 form2 aq time tuuh tgh maen taiti..alaaa maen card bkn maen judii....pastuh aq pon boring r duk situ..then aq minx kwan aq kunci moto dye..alasan nk gi jmpe abg XD padahal x jmpe pon.hahahah...sakan gilew bwak.aq g r barok..pas2uh jmpe nurman n adek dye sofea..then ckp something ngn dye..aq da abes ckp tros pecut mlas nk bwak pelan2 hahah...aq g r kat jmbatan then nmpak iman mule2 aq x nmpak then dye pggil aq mulot dye cam x ley besa lgi je en...aq pecut selaju-lajunye g r kat cc infinity..aq nmpak haziq form2 dye nk g padang myang sari..aq jmpe iwan bwak basikal aq suro dye tggu jap...
aq pon jalan2 ngn dye pastuh sampai at satu simpang tuuuhh x tau ape masalh moto tuuh...aq tgh sembang2 ngn iwan..aq nk kona tetibe terpress bedebab jatuh adduuusss time tuuh kaki n tgn da cederaaa aq x ngangis laa laki x ngangis beb ala jatoh skit je..
iwan:hahah..bodo camne la ko bwak moto...
aq:@!##$@ pnye iwan kalau aq dpat kene kooo....adduuusss.
then aq pulang kan blik aq moto kat nik yg pling bes dye x tau yg moto dye xcident..XD..
k tuuh ....K,BYEEE..(:
from:ILYAAS (:
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